Friday, October 31, 2008


Here is a current picture of my sister in law's grandchildren.
She has five and will have seven by next May. The photo below is a picture of our five gandchildren five years ago!
Here in 2008 we are up to nine PG's, and expecting number TEN in May! (precious grandchildren)


Coop said...

Congrats Audrey (and John - and Katie and Matt!!) - I know you adore being a grandma! But I was hoping you'd identify your PGs in this old photo - I think I recognize callen and maggie for sure - and MAYBE Emily (the bunny?) - I'm guessing due to age and timing, the other two are Sara Jane and Maura Clare?

Beverlee said...

Congrats and best wishes to Katie and Matt! Hope they have a boy so Joseph will have a pal!

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